Tag Archives: blogsturbation

XII: Thank You for Blogging, Thank You for Reading

It only takes one frame to trash a grunt, after all.

I usually end my twelve Christmas posts by thanking the bloggers and readers of the anglotakusphere. You guys are great!

Well, all the bloggers could stand to proofread and redraft a bit more and a lot of you have aesthetic criteria so unconsidered that it’s a miracle I still subscribe to your feeds… but I do, so well done. You guys aren’t great, but for a bunch of humans you’re alright. Readers: you’re great.

I don’t really post any more, and reading back through this blog I’m dissatisfied with most of my old posts. I do miss blogging with ideas, though, despite the fact that they were usually rubbish ideas. Continue reading

Anime Blogging and Prosody: An Inappropriate Comparison

[I’d like to title this ‘kaibitzin on bateszi on Episodic and Editorial’ because stealing a title format from Author would make me feel cleverer than I am.]

I’m throwing a few thoughts out into the ether here, but here they are anyway. Talk is cheap, after all. Continue reading